Planned maintenance is key so why are so many companies getting it wrong?

November 15, 2017 2:55 pm Published by

We are aware that many of our Blogs cover the importance of having a plan. Boring and sensible as it might sound we see it as an essential part of successful property maintenance work. Any property, residential or commercial will benefit from regular maintenance and planning. However, when it comes to a commercial space this process becomes essential to your company’s future and conduct. This is because all building components deteriorate and wear out with time and use. Planned maintenance is therefore a key strategy to ensure that your building function adequately and preserves its value over time.

Cristal clear as it might sound, we still come across many companies who get this wrong. In our experience despite clear indications this kind of planning is still considered optional or at best a necessary evil by many facility managers. If this is the case in your company, here are three key things to consider:

  1. Preventive maintenance work is relatively inexpensive when compared to the potential failures that may occur. Whether you do the work in-house or use a contractor, having a plan in place is imperative to ensuring the work is scheduled and done on time. This means that in most cases your business does not have to fit the bill for expensive emergencies.


  1. We all understand that keeping your property going will cost money. Deferring costs to the last possible minute is not going to change that. Having a plan in place to govern your annual property maintenance will support accurate budgeting. It also means that managing external contractors or entering into a maintenance contract agreement is likely to be easier and more effective.


  1. In today’s economy, energy bills continue to rise each year which affects your property market value. Keep in mind that by deferring preventive maintenance, all other building systems that are implemented to reduce energy costs will be compromised to varying degrees. Having a preventive maintenance plan will ensure that preventative work is scheduled and done on time. This will have a positive affect on many aspects of your building and affect on-going costs such as insurance.


We hope this has given you something to consider. If you are unsure about where to start with your preventative schedule plan,give us a call. We will be happy to help if we can.

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This post was written by Express Property Services